Unless you work in emergency prone spaces, Saturday mornings should be typical for sleeping in.Except for those Saturdays where you have to conduct a training at the Canon Academy at 9:00 Am. 

In an era that’s “woke” about content creation,chances are high that you are going to end up using camera equipment to make your journey down that path easier.

 Unless you’ve had prior training, the notion that you will be a pro at the un-boxing of your first equipment will humble you greatly.

So Whatever reason you decide to venture into photography, you’ll need to be available to learn and learn some more.

Afropocene (the training venue) is primarily a studio lab with art pieces here and there, sightings of painting tools, conducive enough to give a casual-comfortable vibe.Little wonder my session had Gamers, IT specialists, Lawyers, podcast hosts, did I mention engineers? Oh yeah, even tour guides.

Mid session I asked the class to take out their cameras to practice what we’ve studied up to that point. Before I know it we have a model, a mini walk way and we are opening curtains and switching lights on and off to see if the light available is enough to give us the quality of picture we have imagined in our minds.

The vibrancy and participation of my class is every trainer’s dream come true because it levelled the ground enough for people to be able to ask questions like, “Why are my pictures Dark?” what do you mean by rings and focus points? What do I do when I cannot move my camera around a lot and I’m shooting in a place with little light? What makes exposure triangle the holy grail of photography?

To be able to answer these questions and have the class practice, to be able to watch them understand concepts for which they forewent sleeping in on a Saturday morning, is proof that iron is sharpening iron, one photographer at a time.

Canon Academy Uganda is doing something phenomenal in our times and I am very grateful to be a part of it.


See you at the next class, very very early on the Saturday of 25th November, 2023.

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